8 - 11 year olds
In a square whose side measures 5, there is a stair-shaped line joining two opposite vertices, as shown in the drawing.
The steps are all the same and the height is the same as the width.
We put a robot at one end of the ladder (vertex of the square. See drawing).
The exit of the square is at the opposite end of the stairs.
The robot always has to go forward, never back and it is programmed to perform an ODD number of steps each time it starts up.
Each step is a segment. The robot cannot skip segments and must step on both horizontal segments and vertical segments, once on each. In the drawing we see that the robot needs a total of 10 steps to exit.
a-- Can the robot come out with a single command?
Can the robot come out with two commands?
Can the robot come out with three commands?
Think why.
b-- If the square has 6 squares per side, would the answer be the same in each case?